
Zoom Integration

Prerequisite :

Make sure you have installed Statusly bot to your Slack Workspace, if not please install from below

SlackAdd to Slack
14 day trial, No card required

Installing Zoom to Statusly

1. Open Statusly Slack Bot in your workspace.
2. Head over to Home tab of Statusly bot.
3. In the home tab, you can find Zoom integration.

4. Click Connect button, you will directed to Statusly Zoom Bot Authorization page

5. Once authorized, you will be redirected to Statusly slack bot and statusly will send you integration successful message in slack.

How Statusly uses Zoom data

1. Once integrated, you can find Zoom meetings in Statusly Home tab.

2. When you get on Zoom Call, Statusly automatically updates your slack status.

Disconnecting Zoom from Statusly

1. Open Statusly Slack Bot in your workspace.
2. Head over to Home tab of Statusly bot.
3. In the home tab, you can find Zoom integration.

4. Click Disconnect button, you will directed to Statusly Zoom Bot Authorization page

Uninstall Statusly app from Zoom

1. Login to Zoom Marketplace.
2. Go to Manage > Installed Apps > Statusly.
3. Click Uninstall.


Disconnect and connect Zoom from Statusly Home tab, if you face any of the below issues :

 - Slack status doesn't change when user get on ZoomCall
 - Zoom meetings are missing or not listed properly inside the Statusly.
For further help or queries, contact or chat with us.